FTC Supporters

During the early stages of FTC, we recognize that the “village” that it takes to create and evolve an arts/community entity like ours depends heavily on commitments from special people, businesses, and organizations. These supporters and donors provide the financial spark and develop the sweat equity necessary to make FTC a reality:

Frank and Katrina Basile have been monumentally important in establishing the Fonseca Theatre Company. So much so, that our new home will be named for him and his commitment to the FTC mission. Thanks so much to Frank for “kick-starting” our Near West side dream.

Additional Support Provided by:

CH Douglas and Gray Wealth Management

Actors Equity Foundation

Arts Council of Indianapolis

Indiana Arts Commission
Arts Midwest
Ronald A. Block Field of Interest Endowment Fund
Christel DeHaan Family Foundation

The Children’s Bilingual Theatre
City of Indianapolis Cultural Initiatives Fund

Hensel Field of Interest Fund
International Center Festival Fund
Ross and Sherry Faris Charitable Fund
Andrew and Ellen Greenspan Foundation
Bank of America
Barnes and Thornburg LLP
Lewis & Kappes
Ronald A. Block Field of Interest Endowment Fund, a fund of The Indianapolis Foundation
Lilly Endowment
Marigold Clothing
Penrod Society
Frank Curtis and Irving Moxley Springer Fund, a fund of the Central Indiana Community Foundation
H and H Immunoconsulting
KeyBank Foundation
Kinney Group, Miller Family Foundation for Theatre and Dance, a fund of the Central Indiana Community Foundation
Network for Good
Salesforce Matching Gifts
Summer Youth Program Fund
Rego-Fix Toolholding
Sheila Fortune Foundation
Herbert Simon Family Foundation
The Smith Family Charitable Fund
The Sol Center Indy
The Sosa Group
Stonewall Community Foundation
Taylor Family Foundation
Trinity Lutheran Church
Ursa Minor Fund
Wayne Township Trust
Epson America, INC.

Individual Support

  • The Players
  • Rebekka Aaron
  • David and Kristi Abbott
  • Jamal Abdulrasheed
  • James Ammeen
  • Tom and Sue Anderson
  • David Andrichick
  • Kathleen Angelone
  • Peg Arbuckle and Dave Harold
  • Jean Arnold
  • Sue Arnold+
  • Mary ArmstrongSmith
  • Steven Austin
  • Rykeshia Bankhead
  • Michele Baker
  • Nan Barnett
  • Frank and Katrina Basile
  • Robert Bass
  • Melissa Barber
  • Elizabeth Gail Bray
  • Dawn Beach
  • Alison Becker
  • Maryellen Bein
  • John Belden and Wendy Carson
  • Ann Benthin
  • Marsah Betancourt
  • Zachary & Anastasia Bigelow
  • Fred Biesecker
  • Mary Binnion
  • Marika Blades
  • Anjacea Blanchardcarter
  • Courtney Blossom
  • Terri Bourus^
  • Patty Brady
  • Elizabeth Gail Bray
  • Mary Breidenbach
  • Ron Brock
  • Rod Brown
  • Hillary BrooksGallardo
  • Joseph and Louise Boling
  • Walter Botich
  • Rod Brown
  • Emily Brunelle
  • John Calhoon
  • Anita Callaway
  • Patricia Castañeda
  • Janet Carter
  • Malachi Carter
  • Marita Clarke
  • Jan Compton
  • Joshua and Charles Coomer
  • Don and Dolly Craft
  • Janis Crawford
  • Phil Criswell
  • Sara Cross
  • Susan Cross
  • Adam Crowe
  • Adrian Cruz
  • Ian and Natalie Cruz
  • Terri Czajka
  • Kelly Dartis
  • Nicole Davie
  • Sara Deboni
  • Lynn Denne
  • Julia Devine
  • Debra Des Vignes
  • Micheal Diehl
  • Mary Dieter
  • Doug Dilling
  • Tracey Ditsworth
  • Thomas
  • Judie & Andrew Doehrman
  • Christopher Douglas
  • Ramon Dunkin and Barbara Stilwell
  • Steve and Charlene Dunlop
  • Jennifer Dzwonar
  • Kim Egan
  • Julie Ellison
  • William Farkas
  • Sabrina and David Falls
  • Don Farrell
  • Howard and Gail Feldman
  • Steven Feldman
  • Eugenia Fernandez
  • Loren Field
  • Ann Filmer
  • Patricia Fisher
  • Suzanne Fleenor*
  • Brenda Flores
  • Molly Fonseca
  • Lisa Fox
  • Jordana Fraider
  • Patricia Fralich
  • Linda & Bruce Frank
  • Jeanette Frazier and Elcira Villarreal
  • Kay Fleming
  • Deena Fogle
  • Susan Fucik
  • April Gandionoco
  • Charles Garcia
  • Steven Garner
  • Theaodis Gary
  • Mark Gastineau
  • Jody Gilbertson
  • Tiffany Gilliam
  • Marianne Glick
  • Mark and Laurel Goetzinger
  • Michael Goldfarb
  • Tim Good
  • Julie Goodman
  • Susan Gorby
  • Paulyna Gorgievski
  • Patrick Goss
  • Susan GradyJones
  • Sarah Grain
  • Jerry Grayson and Bernie Killian
  • Ellen Greenspan
  • Kelsey Griffin
  • Durwin Griggs
  • Jim Grim
  • Alexaundria Groves
  • Sami Guner
  • Shelley Gupta
  • John Guy
  • Chuck Goad and Jim Kincannon
  • Prince Gomolvilas
  • Christian and June Gries
  • Shelley Gupta
  • Jim Habegger
  • Jon Hamilton
  • David Hampton
  • Heidi Hancock
  • Paul Hansen and Kenyon Brown
  • Elizabeth Harmon
  • Dr. Lisa Harris
  • Jennifer Harrison
  • Jay Harvey and Susan Raccoli
  • John and Susan Hazer
  • Lawrence Heck
  • Michael Heitz
  • Charles and Asrah Heintzelman
  • Audrey Heller
  • Alexa Helm
  • Martha Henn
  • Elizabeth Henn-Carlson
  • Diane Henshel
  • Dr. Kelly Hiatt
  • Sam Hill
  • Susan Hill
  • David Hochoy
  • Mitchell Hopwood
  • Gary Houdek
  • Susan Hyatt
  • Corinne Imboden and Ray Kuehlthau
  • Yvonne Isner-Berni
  • Martha Jacobs
  • Gigi Jennewein
  • Jen and Rob Johansen
  • Andy and Laura Johnson
  • Ted Jones
  • Jay Kalagayan~
  • Debi Keay”
  • Laura Kehoe
  • Joanne Kehoe
  • Scott Keller
  • Sheila & Bob Kennedy
  • Kathryn Kelley and Greg Malone
  • Audrey Nannega
  • Debi Keay
  • Michael Kennedy
  • Sheila and Bob Kennedy
  • James and Mary Kenny
  • Joseph Kenny
  • Stephen Kern
  • Justin Kidwell
  • James and Carol Killen
  • Ann W. King
  • Timothy King
  • Carolyn Kingen
  • Michael Kirkmeyer
  • Rose and Larry Kleiman
  • Betsy and Ted Kleinmaier
  • Sherrie Knighton
  • Karen Kovacik
  • Janice Kreuscher
  • Greg and Judi Kueterman
  • Martha and Ned Lamkin
  • Angeline Larimer
  • Barry Landy
  • Gary Larsen
  • Christopher and Emily Lavelle
  • Mike and Nancy Lashenik
  • Lori Leaumont
  • Bob Lehman
  • Ellie Lindhjem
  • Susan Logsdon
  • Jan Lucas
  • Eduardo Luna and Emma Mahern
  • Ann Luther and Ron Jackson
  • Pat and Jim Lyddan
  • Nancy Lynn
  • Kirsten Lyster
  • Annette Magjuka
  • Jane Malless
  • Beverly Manuel
  • Miki Mathioudakis
  • Taylor Martin
  • Nicole Martinez – LeGrande
  • Lisa Marchal
  • Nancy McCarthy
  • Glennda McGann`
  • Beth McGuire
  • Megan McKinney Cooper
  • Stephen McNeal
  • Velvet Miller
  • Jeff Moheban
  • David Molloy
  • Derek Moore
  • Kevin Moore
  • Melanie Moore
  • Dani Morey
  • Jena Morey
  • Mary Jane Moriarty
  • Margaret Boling Mullin PHD
  • Ellen Munds
  • Martina Mutone and Andrew Mulvey
  • John Mutz
  • Kai Mwaafrika++
  • Rosa and Dr. Atilla Nakeeb
  • Audrey Nannenga
  • Susan and Jim Naus
  • Andrea Neely
  • Teresa Neppes
  • Michele Noel
  • Rick Northam
  • Keith Norwalk
  • Angela Okragly
  • Ryan O’Shea
  • Kurt Owens
  • Kadeem Paige
  • Kenneth Palmer
  • Lindsey Palmer
  • Kathy Pataluch
  • Tejal S. Patel
  • Erin Patrick
  • Dorit and Gerald Paul
  • Gail and Brian Payne
  • Linda Perdue
  • Robert Perry
  • Lucinda Phillips+
  • Elizabeth Pinnick
  • Polly Points
  • Susan G Points
  • David Pollock
  • Peggy Powis
  • Eileen Prince>
  • Alicia Rasley
  • Scott Putney and Susan Sawyer
  • Angelo Ragonsi
  • Mary Redman
  • Bob and Sandy Reiberg
  • Ruth Reichard
  • Adrienne Reiswerg
  • Diane Rice-Wilkerson
  • Damon Richards
  • Matt Richardson
  • Morgen Rieth,Thomas and Anne Reynolds
  • Rick and Shannon Rezek
  • Marianne Roan
  • Tom and Stephanie Robertson
  • Beverly Roche
  • Lara Romero
  • Iris Rosa
  • William Rosenbaum
  • Harrison Royce
  • Cynthia Rumbaugh
  • Margaret Sabens
  • Chris Saunders
  • Carly Schall
  • Lucinda Phillips Schmelzer
  • Richard Schillen
  • Maverick Schmit
  • Diana Schwartz
  • Pearl Scott
  • Jeff and Sally Seidenstein
  • Debra Shaffer
  • Sue Shah
  • Amy Shankland
  • Elinor Sharpe
  • David Shelton
  • Donna Sink
  • Karen Smith
  • Lynn Perkins Socey
  • Carolyn Soellinger-Wright
  • Philip Soper
  • Elaine Southwood
  • Harry and Elena Sosa
  • Patricia & Carlos Sosa-Castaneda
  • Ann M. Stack
  • Dick and Michele Stafford
  • Janet Stansberry
  • Gayle Steigerwald
  • Stephen Steinacker
  • Richard Steinberg
  • Carli Stevenson
  • Carolyn Stobba-Wiley
  • Karin Stratton
  • Danny Stringham-Marquis
  • Mary and John Strinka
  • Valerie Stombaugh
  • Mark Strother
  • Nicole Strus
  • Paula Susemichel and Linda Daley
  • Janet Sutton
  • Sheila Sutton
  • Michael Tavel
  • Georgeanna Tryban
  • Laura Temple
  • Linda Test
  • Ron and Ann Thompson Brock
  • Diane Timmerman+
  • Carmela Toler
  • Georgeanna Tryban
  • Diane Tsao Boehm**
  • April van Scoder
  • Linda van Scoder
  • Francisco Valdiosera
  • Yolanda Valdivia
  • Ansley Valentine
  • Marjorie and Paul Valliere
  • Kristen Vehill
  • Joy Verbeke
  • Susan Vinicor
  • Sue Wagman
  • Dan Wakefield
  • Kelli Walker
  • Jim Weinmann
  • Barbara Wellnitz
  • Drew Wendt
  • Emily West
  • Jennifer White
  • Vicky White
  • Carolyn Stobba-Wiley and Aaron Wiley
  • Gano Williams III
  • Linda
  • Chuck
  • and Rachel Williams
  • Dave Wilson
  • John Wilson
  • Dolores Wisdom
  • Cynthia Wise
  • Christian Wolf
  • Roberta Wong
  • David Woll
  • Christopher and Sandy Wood
  • Kenna S. Wood
  • Haley Wright
  • Kia Wright
  • Milicent Wright
  • Mimi Zakem
  • John and Linda Zimmerman.


  • + Denotes a Contribution In Honor of Bryan Fonseca
  • * Denotes a Contribution In Honor of Bryan, Deb, Gayle & Chuck
  • ^ Denotes a Contribution In Memory of Mary Elizabeth Wynn
  • > Denotes a Contribution In Honor of Ben and Josh Prince ~ Denotes a Contribution In Honor of Dwuan Watson
  • ` Denotes a Contribution In Honor of Emily West
  • ” Denotes a Contribution In Honor of Gayle Steigerwald
  • ` Denotes a Contribution In Memory of Ivey Long
  • ** Denotes a Contribution In Honor of Bryan and Jordan
  • ++ Denotes a Contribution In Honor of Chinyelu Mwaafrika and the Young African Grove
  • ^ In Memory of Floyd L Bailey III, University Place AV Technician
Updated July 11, 2024