Our Uniqueness

The new theater will give voice to the POC/ALANA, LGBTQ and PWD* communities as a starting point.

Nationally, theater companies are focusing on inclusion, equity and diversity. Locally, our professional companies are only dedicating a small percentage of programming to this work. The combined number of plays by playwrights of color produced by the five Indianapolis Equity Theaters in the 2018-19 season is just one.

The Fonseca Theatre Company addresses this issue by producing works by, for, and/or about our communities of color, exclusively. By doing so, we will also increase employment and educational opportunities for minority, LGBTQ and PWD artists.

* POC: People of Color:
ALANA: Asian, Latinx, African, Native American
LGBTQ; Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer
POD: People with Disabilities