Review: ‘Building the Wall’ 

Review: Fonseca Theatre’s ‘Building the Wall’ by Lou Harry, NUVOA relevant piece of confrontational theater reflective of our times

With a mission to focus on political and socially aware work—and with an artistic staff of unprecedented diversity in Indy—Fonseca Theatre Company differentiated itself even before the opening of its first production. For while the play deals with immigration, politics, and the slippery slope that can turn a democracy into a fascist state, Schenkkan only really gives voice to one character—a white male (and a Trump supporter, no less).

Where the playwright has created more expansive, insider works—most notable his pair of plays about Lyndon Johnson and those in his orbit—here he deals with an outsider, Rick (Clay Mabbitt), an “I’m not a racist” disenfranchised man working at a private prison facility. Read entire article by clicking here