Review of Hooded by John and Wendy

Review: Fonseca Theatre’s ‘Hooded: Or Being Black for Dummies’ by John Lyle Beldon, Plays with John and Wendy.

Understanding being black in America is not something that one “history month” a year can cover. But at least now, we have the textbook. Fonseca Theatre Company presents “Hooded, or Being Black for Dummies” by Tearrance Arvelle Chisholm, directed by Ben Rose.

Marquis seems to be a typical 14-year-old: doing well in school, hanging out with friends, noticing girls. But when his attempt at the latest internet fad lands him in a police station holding cell for trespassing, he finds himself with someone who sees him as anything but normal. Tru, the cellmate,  appears to be what most would picture a black youth to be, and he wonders why Marquis isn’t. Let the lessons begin. … What lesson will you take from this powerful play? Read entire article by clicking here.